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Supplier Selection & Management
Course Overview
This course provides a deeper understanding of the PMBOK knowledge areas of project integration and procurement applied in the supply chain vendor selection and management process. To keep pace with the continuous moves toward outsourcing of operations and the advancement of technology, companies need to focus on selecting the right suppliers and partnerships to provide the most value to their customers and to remain profitable. This course provides the knowledge, skills, and tools to ensure that you are selecting the right supply chain partners (including 3PL’s) based on your business goals. Emphasis is placed on understanding alternative techniques for supplier selection including applied quantitative decision making techniques.
Course Objectives:
Understand the common types of supply chain selection projects
Ensure stakeholder alignment through the supply chain project lifecycle
Manage a supply chain selection project including defining operational requirements, the RFI/RFQ/RFP process, and selecting the right vendor
Use decision matrices to drive objective, consensus-driven selections
Understand the supply chain solution provider landscape and types of systems available on the market
Understand the best practices when selecting the right partners based on the PMBOK project Integration and Procurement Knowledge areas
Monitor and measure vendor performance as part of the selection process
Understand the legal and ethical considerations for vendor selection
Review of PMPBOK Focus Areas for the Course
Overview of Managing a Supply Chain Selection Project
The Role of Benchmarking in Evaluating and Selecting Solutions
Overview of the Third Party Logistics Provider Market
Overview of Supply Chain Solution Providers (WMS, TMS, OMS, ERP, etc.)
Evaluating Cloud vs. On-Premise Solutions and Pricing Models
Managing the Requirements Planning & Stakeholder Interview Process
Understanding RFP, RFI, and RFQ
Planning the Solution Evaluation and RFP Process
Managing the RFP Process
Defining Vendor Requirements
Application of Decision Theory and Matrices in Driving Consensus
Supply Chain Vendor Selection Best Practices
Common Pitfalls in Supply Chain Vendor Selection & Management
Supply Chain Selection Best Practices
Application of Decision Theory and Matrices in Driving Consensus
Contract Administration & Management
Legal & Ethical Vendor Management/Project Considerations